Preah Vihear province
the province of Preah Vihear is located north of Cambodia it shares the border with thailand and laos . the province of Preah Vihear covers an area of 13788 km ² and is divided into seven districts.
accommodation and meals in Preah Vihear
for your stay you will find hotels and guesthouses without difficulty, you will also find restaurants that can offer you the Cambodian recipes and of course in the markets
visit Preah Vihear
the main tourist activity in the province of Preah Vihear is visiting temples like the temple of Preah vihear dedicated to Shiva . this temple was perfectly preserved the son time. you will discover magnificent sculptures and exceptional quality of its architecture .
koh ker located Srayong Cheung town was once an ancient capital of Cambodia built by King Jayavaraman IV , a visit is recommended during your stay in Cambodia or in the province of Preah Vihear .
namely also more than 90 temples in and around Koh Ker : Dav , Rumlum Bey Beung Veng Trapiang Prey Chhnang Dey , Srok Srolao , Lingam , Kuk Srakum , Trapiang Ta, Sophy , Krahom , Andoung , Ang Khna , Teuk Krahom , Damrei Sar Krarab , Banteay Pichoan , Kuk Kmao , Thneung , Thorn Balang , Rohal , Chamneh , Sampich , Trapiang Svay Neang Kmao , Pram , Bat , Khnar Chen, Klum, Chrab , Dangtung , Prang , Kampiang well other .
visiting Koh Ker make a perfect destination to discover the province and its history
the temple of Neak BUOS is located Shoham Ksan its access is not obvious and even difficult because of the bad road to be accessed, but it is not impossible to accessed either! upon your arrival you can contemplate a brick temple about 50 m² .
Temple is located in Phnom Pralean Krang Dong village, it is surrounded by a beautiful abundant nature a good visit destination
Preah Khan Kompong Svay is located in the village of Ta Siang . the temple was built on a plain surrounded by two ramparts, the other temple has these sides in this area as Damrei Preah , Preah Thkaol , Ta Prohm, Muk Buon and Preah Stung temples. this visit will be very interesting to discover the history of the region. namely that the temple of Preah Khan Kompong Svay is under protection of UNESCO since 1 September 1992. So this temple is worth a visit during your stay in the province of Preah Vihear .
Bus Preah Vihear - Stung Treng $ 11.36–12.39 2h – 2h 45m | |
Bus Preah Vihear - Siem Reap $ 10.32–10.84 3h – 4h | |
Taxi Preah Vihear - Siem Reap $ 138–263 3h | |
Van Preah Vihear - Siem Reap $ 12–15 3h – 3h 45m | |
Bus Preah Vihear - Ratanakiri $ 14.45 5h | |