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Trob Gnor in Khmer cuisine

Trob Gnor, also known as the “Flower of Cambodia”, plays an important role in Khmer cuisine due to its beauty and unique taste qualities. Trob Gnor is used in various ways to add flavor, color and an exotic touch to traditional Cambodian dishes.
In Khmer cuisine, Trob Gnor flowers are often used to prepare fresh and refreshing salads. The delicate and colorful petals are added to the blends of crunchy vegetables, aromatic herbs and lime vinaigrette, creating a mix of tangy and floral flavors that delight the taste buds.
Trob Gnor flowers are also used to flavor meat and fish dishes. They can be added to marinades to give a subtle and fragrant touch to grilled meats. The petals can also be used as a garnish for stir-fry dishes, adding an attractive visual note and a delicate flavor to preparations.
Another popular use of Trob Gnor is in Khmer drinks and desserts. The flowers are often infused in water to create refreshing flower-scented drinks. The petals are also used to decorate traditional desserts like mango sticky rice, adding an aesthetic touch and a light floral flavor that perfectly complements the sweetness of the dish.
It should be noted that only fresh flowers from Trob Gnor should be used in Khmer cuisine to ensure the best quality and strongest taste. The petals should be handled with care, as they are delicate and can deteriorate easily.
In short, Trob Gnor is a versatile and popular plant in Khmer cuisine. Whether adding flavor to salads, flavoring main dishes or embellishing desserts, this exotic flower offers a unique culinary experience and awakens the senses with its bright colors and delicate aromas. Explore Khmer cuisine and let the Trob Gnor take you on a taste journey full of exotic discoveries and bewitching flavors.


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