As in any country with a tropical climate, fruit lovers will enjoy all kinds of fresh and tasty fruits, some of which can be enjoyed throughout the year.
Some fruits are widely grown in the countryside: oranges, mangoes, bananas… you will spot plantations everywhere, and it is nice to see that any house, even in town, is generally surrounded by one or more fruit trees. Some fruit will be hard to find for sale in town, while you may find fruit you’ve probably never seen before on makeshift roadside stalls in the countryside, depending on the season.
Be careful, it is not uncommon to find on the markets of Phnom Penh and elsewhere cargoes of fruit imported from Thailand and Vietnam. These two countries practice a much more intensive culture, you can buy certain fruits out of season, often cheaper, but whose flavor is not comparable with the fruits produced locally…
Some fruits are eaten as is, often when they are acidic, with a little salt and pepper, others are used a lot in desserts. A mixture of fruits is generally used to make Toek Kolork, a local fruit shake often topped with a chicken egg.